Terima Kasih Gan, mantap kratomnya.
Beni - Jakarta

Terima Kasih Boss Cepat Kirimnya.
Ino - Bandung

Thanks Boss mantap.
Chiang - Bali

Thank Mas greennya mantap.
Rini wijaya - Bali

Thank you, amazing .... they look to red perfectly.
Jenifer - UK

always to maintain the quality and consistent, time to time. thanks !
Tom - UK

Very Good Quality, Fast Shipping
thank you !
Jhon Robert - USA


Very Good Quality, i love it
Jonathan - USA


you must test they product
Markus - Germany

never late, good quality and consistent
thanks !
Luis Fernando - Italy

Among some of our buyers there is some confusion regarding Indonesian Kratom and its strains. Probably caused by middlemen all trying to market their Kratom wares as unique and specific. Nothing wrong with that, but in fact there are just a few regional differences that really matter, for Indonesian Kratom.
Most (and especially our) Kratom is harvested from primary and secondary forest areas, simple said The Jungle.
The main areas in Indonesia where you find older (the more potent) Mitragyna Speciosa trees are in Sumatra (light green on the map) and Borneo or Kalimantan (Dark green). An other area is Papua, but due to its remote location harvest from there is not really well developed, yet.
The Sumatra strains are mostly white vein and create a nice light green powder when fresh kratom leaves are grind. The Borneo variety is more darker, due to the red veins. Both areas are very near the equator, so there is a maximum exposure to sun, resulting in the most powerful leaves.
Harvesting and aftercare are just as important as the location of the kratom tree, for creating a good kratom powder. Not all suppliers are aware that tree selection, harvesting methods, drying and processing techniques have an effect on the alkaloid content of the mitragyna speciosa leaves. Once the different varieties of powder are on the market, resellers have little choice in differentiation, hence the reason we have now names like " Super Indo", commercial Bali, standard Indonesian, Indo Pimp etc etc and quite often its claimed that certain areas produce better powder, for similar reasons.
We do not offer Super, Commercial, Indo, Pimp, Da superduber or whatever blabla Kratom, all our natural powders and crushed leaves are processed according to the same strict quality rules, to ensure that all our Kratom is high quality. Besides this, we also offer it for the most competitive prices and best kratom sources from more territories, waiting updated
When you have received your high quality Kratom powder and are enjoying its effects, you might wonder what makes Syray's Kratom better then most other natural kratom powders. Let us explain what we do to create a high quality "incense".
Before harvesting
Even though all Mitragyne Speciosa trees produce kratom leaves, not all leaves are of the same strength. The alkaloid profile, which is responsible for creating the kratom effect, differs per region, season, tree and even time of day. Based on tests and our experience we are able to collect only those leaves that are powerful.
During and after harvesting
Proper and clean handling of the leaves as well as immediate drying will make sure the leaves keep their green color and aroma. Moisture is kept to an absolute minimum, since it would cause fermentation and that would lead to a loss of alkaloids. There is no exposure to sunlight, to protect the leaves from further alkaloid breakdown.
After drying
Only the kratom leaves that are well dried and of good color are further processed. Roughly there are between 3000 and 4000 kratom leaves in a kilogram (or 2 lbs) of kratom powder. Stems and center vein are removed during processing and the grinded powders are sieved again to create a fine particle and remove the larger veins.
Before shipping

Each batch of kratom powder is carefully tested for aroma, color and strength before final shipping, to ensure a high quality and clean kratom. If you are ready to try some of our 100% natural and powerful powders, please do check our online kratom store or contact us for more information.
Mungkin pertanyaan yang paling umum saya pertama kali adalah: 'Apakah kava dapat menyebabkan kerusakan pada hati ? " Jawabannya, mudah dan sederhana, adalah; 'Tidak, tidak ketika digunakan dengan benar.

Untuk menjelaskan situasi, berikut adalah lima sederhana, fakta diverifikasi:

1. Saya berasal dari garis panjang peminum kava, yang telah menggunakan tanaman ini indah selama ribuan tahun, dan tidak ada satu pun kasus penyakit hati dalam sejarah keluarga kami. Tentu saja, kita hanya mengkonsumsi akar tanaman kava, seperti mengkonsumsi di atas tanah bagian tanaman bisa sangat beracun dan berbahaya.

2. Studi yang memulai rumor buruk dari kerusakan hati kava menyebabkan dilakukan di Jerman dan diduga didanai oleh perusahaan farmasi. Di Jerman, kava telah mulai populer seperti alternatif untuk Prozac yang banyak yang percaya itu mulai memotong keuntungan industri farmasi pada obat resep. Jadi, banyak berspekulasi bahwa perusahaan farmasi, dengan dana tak terbatas, memutuskan untuk mengakhiri popularitas kava yang meningkat sebelum menjadi terlalu banyak masalah.

3. Penelitian yang sama telah tegas diberhentikan sebagai menyesatkan dan palsu, dan tidak hanya Amerika Serikat mencabut larangan mereka di kava pada awal tahun 2005, Jerman juga secara resmi membalikkan posisinya, membuat kava legal di sana, juga.

4. Studi Jerman menggunakan seluruh pabrik, bukan hanya akar tanaman. Tidak ditemukan dalam sejarah panjang digunakan kava memiliki apa pun selain akar telah dikonsumsi, tetapi penelitian ini memilih untuk mengabaikan fakta sederhana ini, dengan menggunakan batang dan daun tanaman, yang bisa sangat berbahaya bagi manusia.

5. Laporan pertama dari setiap kerusakan hati dari kava datang hanya dari studi di Jerman. Aneh bagaimana budaya seluruh aman dapat membuat minuman dari akar, menikmati jumlah besar itu sepanjang hidup mereka, tanpa efek buruk sama sekali, namun sebuah penelitian tunggal dengan beberapa mata pelajaran diberikan kepercayaan lebih besar dari ini ratusan tahun yang aman komunal penggunaan.

Dampak dari penelitian ini adalah jelas. Beberapa negara seperti Kanada dan Jerman berteriak-teriak untuk melarang kava dan ditarik dari rak-rak toko di seluruh dunia. Bahkan jika studi ini terbukti palsu, benih ditanam ke dalam kesadaran massa, dan orang akan memiliki pertanyaan yang tersisa dalam pikiran mereka untuk waktu yang lama, tidak cukup yakin siapa yang harus dipercaya.